
Devils Claw Extract

Devils Claw Extract

Cat. Number: FA-00552
Size: 100g, 200g, 500g, Custom size


Devil's Claw is a root from a native southern Africa plant. its name comes from the small hooks on the plant's fruit. Devil's Claw has been used in Africa for thousands of years as a traditional remedy for Arthritis and fever. In tests, it has been shown to help ease back pain and increase mobility due to its anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing properties. Studies in Germany suggest that Devil's Claw can be helpful in tackling arthritis of the knee and hip. Devil's Claw has also been found to help in treating a variety of skin problems and conditions involving the gallbladder, pancreas, stomach and kidneys. Devil's Claw Extract is one of the popular food additives and ingredients in most countries.

Product Details

Brown fine powder
Loss on Drying (Max)

Quality Control

We apply strict quality control process to all our products. All Devil's Claw Extract we provide has been strictly tested and proved to be safe for using as food additive.

Handling Precaution

Handling of Devil's Claw Extract should only be performed by personnel trained and familiar with handling of organic chemicals. Avoid skin and eye contact and breathing in dust. Avoid handling which leads to dust formation.

For Research Use Only!