
Hydrolyzed Collagen

Hydrolyzed Collagen

Cat. Number: FM-00355
Size: 100g, 500g, 1kg, 2kg Custom size


Hydrolyzed Collagen is produced from collagen found in the bones, skin, and connective tissue of animals such as cattle, fish, horses, pigs, and rabbits. The process of hydrolysis involves breaking down the molecular bonds between individual collagen strands using enzymatic hydrolysis solutions. Typically, with skin sourced collagen, hides are put in a lime slurry pit for up to three months, loosening collagen bonds; the hides are then washed to remove lime, and the collagen extracted in boiling water. The extracted collagen is evaporator concentrated, desiccated with drum driers, and pulverized. The enzymatic hydrolysis process results in reducing the collagen proteins of about 300,000 Dalton into small peptides having an average molecular weight between 500 and 3000 Dalton, which is very easy for human beings to be digested and absorbed, and rich with different varieties of amino acids.

Product Details

CAS Number
Available Grade
Food grade
Cream white powder, nearly odorless
Yeasts and Moulds
≤100 cfu/g
Total Plate Count
≤ 500 cfu/g

Quality Control

We apply strict quality control process to all our products. All Hydrolyzed Collagen we provide has been strictly tested and proved to be safe for using as food additive.

Handling Precaution

Handling of Hydrolyzed Collagen  should only be performed by personnel trained and familiar with handling of organic chemicals. Avoid skin and eye contact and breathing in dust. Avoid handling which leads to dust formation.

For Research Use Only!