
Nisin Solution

Nisin Solution

Cat. Number: FA-00387
Size: 1g, 5g, 10g, Custom size


Due to its wide range of antimicrobial activity, nisin is used as a shelf-life extender in a broad range of dairy and non-dairy products.

Product Details

CAS Number
Lactococcus lactis
Linear Formula
Nisin is a polycyclic lantibiotic produced by Lactococcus lactis. It is commonly used as a food preservative. It is also used as a selective agent in cell culture for the isolation of gram-negative bacteria, yeast, and molds. Nisin has been used in bioassays to study posttranslational modification. Used to form targeted pores in cell membranes that are mediated by lipid II. Used to study the assembly and stability of nisin-lipid II pore complexes.
Molecular Weight
Storage Temp.
-20 °C
Antibiotic Activity Spectrum
Gram-positive bacteria
Mode of Action
cell membrane/interferes
O=C (N[C@H] (C (NC (C (N[C@@H] (CCCCN)C (O)=O)=O)=C)=O)C (C)C)[C@@H] (NC ([C@H] ([C@@H] (C)CC)NC ([C@@H] (NC ([C@@H] (NC ([C@H] (CC1=CN=CN1)NC2=O)=O)CS[C@H] ([C@@H]3C (N[C@H]2CS[C@H] ([C@@H] (NC ([C@@H] (NC ([C@@H] (NC ([C@@H] (NC ([C@@H] (NC (CNC ([C@@H] (NC ([C@@H] (NC ([C@@H] (NC (CNC4=O)=
1S/C143H230N42O37S7/c1-24-69 (11)105 (148)135 (213)162-82 (27-4)118 (196)174-94-58-225-59-95 (175-123 (201)89 (48-67 (7)8)169-115 (193)74 (16)158-138 (216)107 (70 (12)25-2)180-132 (94)210)133 (211)184-112-79 (21)229-61-96 (160-104 (190)56-152-134 (212)100-38-34-44-185 (100)142 (112)220)128 (206)164-84 (36-29-32-42-145)120 (198)182-109-76 (18)226-60-97 (161-103 (189)55-151-117 (195)85 (39-45-223-22)165-122 (200)88 (47-66 (5)6)168-113 (191)72 (14)156-102 (188)54-153-136 (109)214)129 (207)171-92 (51-101 (147)187)125 (203)166-86 (40-46-224-23)119 (197)163-83 (35-28-31-41-144)121 (199)183-110-77 (19)228-63-99-130 (208)170-90 (49-80-52-149-64-154-80)124 (202)176-98 (62-227-78 (20)111 (141 (219)177-99)181-116 (194)75 (17)159-140 (110)218)131 (209)173-93 (57-186)127 (205)179-108 (71 (13)26-3)139 (217)172-91 (50-81-53-150-65-155-81)126 (204)178-106 (68 (9)10)137 (215)157-73 (15)114 (192)167-87 (143 (221)222)37-30-33-43-146/h27,52-53,64-72,75-79,83-100,105-112,186H,15-16,24-26,28-51,54-63,144-146,148H2,1-14,17-23H3, (H2,147,187) (H,149,154) (H,150,155) (H,151,195) (H,152,212) (H,153,214) (H,156,188) (H,157,215) (H,158,216) (H,159,218) (H,160,190) (H,161,189) (H,162,213) (H,163,197) (H,164,206) (H,165,200) (H,166,203) (H,167,192) (H,168,191) (H,169,193) (H,170,208) (H,171,207) (H,172,217) (H,173,209) (H,174,196) (H,175,201) (H,176,202) (H,177,219) (H,178,204) (H,179,205) (H,180,210) (H,181,194) (H,182,198) (H,183,199) (H,184,211) (H,221,222)/b82-27-
InChI key


Handling Precaution

Nisin (Nisaplin) is produced by Lactococcus lactis. It is an effective lantibiotic peptide bactericidal agent. Nisin is a broad spectrum antimicrobial bacteriocin which affects Gram-positive bacteria, however, it has little or no effect on Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts or fungi.
It was demonstrated that nisin has capability to inhibit the growth of almost all tested Gram-positive beer-spoilage bacteria. Of 122 Gram-positive bacteria strains (predominantly Lactobacilli and Pediococci), 93% were sensitive to 100 units of nisin. In contrast, out of the 32 Gram-negative strains tested, only the genus Flavobacter proved to be affected by nisin.
Nisin exerts its antimicrobial activity by binding to lipid II which is a membrane-bound advanced intermediate involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell wall. By doing so, nisin sequesters lipid II from its functional location. In addition, the nisin-lipid II complex leads to formation of pores in the membrane causing cell death.

For Research Use Only!