
Oligosaccharides-based Food Preservation Solutions

Oligosaccharides-based Food Preservation Solutions

In recent years, oligosaccharides have attracted much attention due to their numerous health benefits and potential applications in agriculture. Oligosaccharide treatment can improve the preservation of fruits, meat products, etc., increase their antioxidant capacity, and water holding capacity will not bring negative effects. Aprofood is committed to exploring the molecular mechanism of oligosaccharides, and actively provides global customers with comprehensive food preservation solutions based on oligosaccharides.

Overview of Oligosaccharides

Oligosaccharides are short chain carbohydrate polymers, which usually contain 2 to 20 monomer residues linked by O-glycoside bonds. Number and conformation of oligosaccharides in hexose/pentose units forming chains (e.g., sugar, glucose galactose and xylose), monomers (α and β). And the positions of the bonds connecting the hexose/pentose molecules may differ from each other. The different hexose/pentose units that make up oligosaccharides allow these compounds to be classified into different types of oligosaccharides, including xylooligosaccharides (XOS), fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), chitosan oligosaccharides (COS), etc.

Oligosaccharides are described as functional components, which are positively related to human health, and are very valuable for the food industry, because they can usually form gel with high water retention capacity, enhanced antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Therefore, oligosaccharides can be used in meat processing and preservation as fat substitutes, humectants, cryoprotectants, thickeners and expanders, emulsifiers, antioxidants and antibacterial agents. However, the functional and technical characteristics depend on the type of oligosaccharide (FOS, XOS, GOS, COS, etc.) and its chemical composition.

Oligosaccharide functionalities utilized in meat processing and preservation.Fig. 1 Oligosaccharide functionalities utilized in meat processing and preservation. (Echegaray, et al., 2022)

Our Solutions

Chitosan Oligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

Chitooligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

COS is an oligosaccharide with good antibacterial property, and also an effective plant immune regulator. The use of COS for postharvest fruit treatment can delay the ripening and softening, and improve the shelf life.

Alginate Oligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

Alginate Oligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

AOS is a low molecular weight fragment obtained by hydrolysis of glycoside bond or organic or inorganic synthesis of alginate, which can be used to inhibit food spoilage bacteria, inhibit enzymatic browning of fruits, etc.

Pectin Oligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

Pectin Oligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

POS derived from plant cell wall, as a biological effector, activates defense response and regulates plant growth and development, indicating that POS may be used as a potential biomaterial for fruit preservation after harvest.

Xylooligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

Xylooligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

XOS is a kind of water-soluble and indigestible oligomer, which is composed of D-xylose units. It can be acetylated to improve its antibacterial and antioxidant properties and used for food preservation.

Fructooligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

Fructooligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

FOS is a short chain carbohydrate of fructose polymer. These oligosaccharides are water soluble carbohydrates that are not easy to digest. They can provide food matrix stability, inhibit the growth of putrefactive bacteria, and maintain water.

Galactooligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

Galactooligosaccharide-based Food Preservation Solution

GOS is a group of indigestible water-soluble oligosaccharides, composed of galactose units and terminal glucose components, which can be used to maintain food moisture and stimulate the reproduction and growth of probiotics.

Aprofood is committed to providing extensive support to customers around the world in food preservation related research, please contact us to learn more about our solutions for food preservation.


  1. Echegaray, N., Yegin, S., Kumar, M., Hassoun, A., Bastianello Campagnol, P. C., & Lorenzo, J. M. (2022). Application of oligosaccharides in meat processing and preservation. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 1–12.
  2. Bose, S. K., Howlader, P., Wang, W., & Yin, H. (2021). Oligosaccharide is a promising natural preservative for improving postharvest preservation of fruit: A review. Food chemistry, 341(Pt 1), 128178.

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