
Proteins naturally occur in a variety of meat, dairy, and egg products, and are among the most important ingredients in processed food formulations, where they are critical to the structural integrity, nutrition, and functionality of food formulations. Aprofood is committed to delivering premium-grade protein ingredients, ranging from plant-based proteins and animal-derived to marine-sourced proteins. Our diverse range is purity and performance-oriented to improve texture and mouthfeel, meet a wide range of dietary preferences and formulation requirements, and undergo stringent quality control measures to ensure superior quality and functionality in your food formulations.

Browse our food technological additives and click on the category you want to know more about.
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0021
  • CAS Number: 9005-25-8
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0022
  • CAS Number: 9006-50-2
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0023
  • CAS Number: 9064-67-9
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0024
  • CAS Number: 9004-53-9
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0025
  • CAS Number: 222400-29-5
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0026
  • CAS Number: 8016-24-8
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0027
  • CAS Number: 9010-10-0
  • Subcategory: Proteins
  • Cat. Number: FFD0028
  • CAS Number: 9064-67-9

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We are more than a food ingredient and additive provider. We are a reliable, end-to-end, innovation-driven partner powered by science and experts.

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