Service for Functional Food Ingredients

Service for Functional Food Ingredients

Functional food ingredients extend beyond basic nutrition, encompassing bioactive compounds conferring health benefits. Aprofood specializes in advancing research on these ingredients, providing a suite of services focused on developing, characterizing and optimizing production processes for these crucial components, as well as assessing the health benefits of functional food. Our comprehensive services aim to unlock the complete potential of these ingredients, thereby fostering the creation of healthier food alternatives.

Major food bioactive compounds sources, health benefits and applications.Fig 1. Major food bioactive compounds sources, health benefits and applications. (Câmara J S, et al., 2022)

Why Develop Functional Food Ingredients?

Recently, food manufacturers and researchers in the field of food science have been working on the development of functional food ingredients for the following two main purposes.

Enhanced Food Value.

Enhanced Food Value. Functional food ingredients provide health benefits and potential disease-preventive functions that extend beyond the basic nutritional value of the food, ensuring optimal health and well-being for consumers and contributing to overall public health.

Innovation in the Food Industry.

Innovation in the Food Industry. By developing novel functional food ingredients, contributing to the ongoing innovation in the food industry, and promoting the creation of unique and healthier food products.

Our Service

Based on powerful analytical technologies and rich R&D experience, Aprofood provides one-stop development services for the development of functional food ingredients, from identification and characterization to functional validation. We can customize targeted research programs for your specific needs.

Functional Food Ingredients Development Service

Functional Food Ingredients Development Service

Identification and isolation of bioactive compounds and development of novel functional ingredients through advanced biotechnological processes.

Functional Food Ingredients Characterization Service

Functional Food Ingredients Characterization Service

In-depth analysis of the chemical and physical properties of functional food ingredients and their compatibility with food processing technologies and compatibility with food matrices.

Functional Food Ingredients Assessment Service

Functional Food Ingredients Assessment Service

Conduct cellular and animal tests to assess health benefits, stability and bioavailability, and to understand the molecular mechanisms of action.

Why Choose Us?

Extensive experience
Extensive experience

We have extensive experience in the field of food technological additives development.

Customized solutions
Customized solutions

We can provide customized solutions for food technological additives development based on specific customer needs and project objectives.

Advanced technology
Advanced technology

We have advanced laboratory facilities and technology platforms.

Strict quality control
Strict quality control

We are committed to providing high-quality research results and reliable data support.

Aprofood is your trusted partner and we are committed to providing you with an unrivaled one-stop-shop, from ingredient supply and innovation to formulation design and application, allowing you to meet the health and lifestyle needs of your key consumers to dominate the market. Our products and services comply with global, regional and local regulations. For more information on business development, please contact us.


  1. Câmara J. S.; et al. Food Bioactive compounds and emerging techniques for their extraction: polyphenols as a case study. Foods. 2021, 10(1):37.
For Research Use Only.
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