Solution for Functional Food & Dietary Supplements

Solution for Functional Food & Dietary Supplements

Aprofood is devoted to providing comprehensive, cutting-edge solutions tailored to the development and innovation of functional foods and dietary supplements. With a dedicated team of food science experts, our technical support services ensure versatility, safety, stability, security, and compliance with regulatory standards, and give you an edge in the marketplace by meeting diverse consumer needs for a healthy lifestyle.

Market Outlook for Functional Food & Dietary Supplements

Fig 1. Market Outlook for Functional Food & Dietary Supplements.

Functional foods and dietary supplements are an emerging segment of the health and wellness industry aimed at enhancing consumer health and well-being. According to the investigations, the global functional foods and dietary supplements market continues to expand at a rapid pace, which is attributed to growing consumer awareness about preventive healthcare, increasing disposable income, and an aging population seeking to address age-related health issues. The convergence of nutritional science, biotechnology, and consumer preferences is driving the market towards innovative formulations targeting specific health outcomes, thereby reshaping the functional foods and dietary supplements landscape. Today, more and more food manufacturing companies and nutraceutical companies are focusing on developing innovative products to strengthen their position in the market.


Our purpose-led products for functional food & dietary supplement solutions encompass a range of products from fortified beverages and functional snacks to dietary capsules and nutritional powders. With advanced expertise in food science, biochemistry, and regulatory compliance, Aprofood focuses on developing formulations optimized for bioavailability and efficacy to meet the changing needs of the marketplace and consumer demands.

We are committed to working with our clients to develop innovative functional food and nutraceutical formulations. Our services are based on a full range of high-quality ingredients and additives as well as specialized formulation expertise to ensure optimal results in terms of effectiveness and safety.

Fig 2. Formulation Development.

  • Goal Assessment. A comprehensive assessment of clients' goals, regulatory requirements and desired health benefits.
  • Ingredient Selection. Identify appropriate ingredients and components based on regulatory considerations, market trends, stability, and compatibility.
  • Prototype Development. Formulation of initial prototypes containing different concentrations of selected ingredients. Optimize the formulation using the design of experiment principles to obtain the desired sensory attributes and nutritional profile.
  • Formulation Refinement. Iteratively refine the formulation based on evaluation feedback, fine-tuning ingredient ratios and processing parameters to improve product stability and efficacy.

Customized analytical services for new formulations, as well as for clients' proprietary products, to help understand product stability, safety, and health effects, and to recommend formulation improvements.

Fig 3. Product Validation.

  • Perform in vitro studies to evaluate the biological activity and functional properties of a formulation or product.
  • Utilize cell-based assays or enzyme activity assays to assess potential health benefits.
  • Perform safety assessments to ensure formulated products meet regulatory standards.
  • Perform toxicology studies or allergen testing as needed to clarify potential risks.
  • Perform accelerated stability testing to assess shelf life under various storage conditions.
  • Monitor changes in physicochemical characteristics over time, such as color, flavor and nutrient content.

Clients We Serve

Aprofood' solutions serve any client and industries seeking relevant assistance, including but not limited to the following situations.

  • Nutritional health and nutraceutical development companies are targeting specific consumer segments.
  • Companies seeking product innovation and aiming to transition from traditional to functional foods.
  • Research organizations engaged in the study of the physiological effects of bioactive compounds.

Aprofood' holistic approach to developing functional foods and dietary supplements combines cutting-edge science with industry expertise to ensure innovative and compliant solutions. Our services cover the entire lifecycle of your product development, from initial formulation to product validation. Contact us today to develop products that redefine the standard of health and wellness.

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We are more than a food ingredient and additive provider. We are a reliable, end-to-end, innovation-driven partner powered by science and experts.

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