The Next-generation Probiotics Development Service

The Next-generation Probiotics Development Service

Currently, there are a limited number of major probiotic species available. As knowledge of the breadth of the human microbiome and its functions has expanded, scientists have identified specific microorganisms in the gut ecosystem that play an important role in host health, and such microorganisms are being developed into next-generation probiotics as dietary supplements and biotherapeutic products. Aprofood has advanced biotechnology to assist you in the development of next-generation probiotics.

Development Status of The Next-generation Probiotic

Researchers and food manufacturers are working to select and cultivate new strains while ensuring the feasibility and efficacy of their application in food. There are a range of potential new discovery approaches for probiotics in the future. Various bacteria, such as Akkermansia muciniphila, Roseburi intestinalis, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Eubacterium spp., Bacteroides spp., and have been isolated from the human gut. The development process of next-generation probiotics is both complex, costly, and fraught with risk, and the novel strains also have to pass stringent safety and toxicology tests before they can be considered for use, which may be a major deterrent for companies to develop new products.

The Next-generation Probiotics Development ServiceFig 1. Flow chart of developing novel probiotics. (Fontana L, et al., 2013)

Our Service

Aprofood possesses innovative technologies, including genetic engineering and powerful culture methods, that enable the identification, isolation and characterization of a new range of microorganisms from the human microbiome with potential health benefits and the opportunity to be developed as the next-generation probiotics.

Process of The Next-generation Probiotics Development

Identification of Target

Exploring specific health areas or conditions that may benefit from probiotic interventions involves examining the role of the microbiota in a variety of health conditions and determining the possible impact of probiotics.

Microbiome Analysis

Analyze the gut microbiome using advanced technologies such as metatranscriptomics and metabolomics, and identify potential probiotics or biomarkers associated with target health conditions.

Selection & Engineering

Based on the identified biomarkers or targets, advanced genetic tools (e.g., CRISPR-Cas9) are used to select and modify probiotic strains, to introduce specific functionalities to enhance their probiotic properties.


Characterization of selected strains to assess their compatibility with food matrices, stability under processing conditions and potential health benefits.

Developing a mature food probiotic product requires characterization of its safety and performance, verification of its bioactive function, as well as investigation of its formulation techniques for food application and its compatibility with food matrices. Here you can get a one-stop service for product development.

Why Choose Us?

Fig 2. Wide Range of Ingredients.

Wide Range of Ingredients

We are a one-stop shop for all types of food ingredients.

Fig 3. Customized Formulation Portfolio.

Innovative Program

We have a systematic development program to meet innovation needs.

Fig 4. Innovative Program.

Customized Formulation Portfolio

We develop customized additive combinations to optimize value for all types of foods and beverages.

Fig 5. Quality Assurance.

Quality Assurance

We have the highest standards of production and quality testing procedures.

Aprofood is a reliable partner for you, we provide you with high-quality food ingredients and help you find the optimal solution for food development and innovation. Our product and service comply with global, regional, and local regulations. Please contact us for more information on developing your business.


  1. Fontana, L.; et al. Sources, isolation, characterization and evaluation of probiotics. British Journal of Nutrition. 2013, 109(S2): S35-S50.
For Research Use Only.
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