
Enzyme-based Food Preservation Solutions

Enzyme-based Food Preservation Solutions

Enzymes play an important role in the food and beverage industry, especially in improving the quality of products, such as stability, flavor, texture, preservation, etc. Aprofood deeply explores the field of enzyme engineering, and is committed to providing global customers with comprehensive enzyme-based food preservation solutions.

Enzyme Technology in Food Preservation

Food preservation has two main purposes, including reducing the prevalence of foodborne diseases caused by food pathogens and preventing or delaying microbial corruption. The latter will cause food to be unpleasant and unsafe for consumers. Concerns about chemical preservatives have increased the tendency to extract natural antibacterial compounds from animals, plants and microorganisms.

Recently, due to its antibacterial and anti biofilm activities, enzymes, as a new and unique reagent in food preservation, have attracted extensive attention. They can inhibit the growth of putrefactive microorganisms through a variety of mechanisms, thus extending the shelf life of food, including reducing nutrients required for microbial growth, producing bacteriostatic or bactericidal substances, destroying cell walls and/or inactivating important enzymes in microorganisms.

Fig. 1 Tailored-enzyme (glucose oxidase and lysozyme) based antimicrobial food-packaging systems.Fig. 1 Tailored-enzyme (glucose oxidase and lysozyme) based antimicrobial food-packaging systems. (Vivek, et al., 2022)

Our Solutions

Compared with the safety of chemical preservatives being questioned, enzymes from natural sources are more popular for their strong antibacterial, oxygen scavenging and other characteristics in food preservation. With rich experience and expertise, Aprofood provides global customers with food preservation solutions based on various enzymes.

Lysozyme-based Food Preservation Solution

Lysozyme-based Food Preservation Solution

Lysozyme can selectively dissolve the cell wall of target microorganisms to make them lose their physiological activity, so it can safely replace chemical preservatives for food preservation.

Glucose Oxidase-based Food Preservation Solution

Glucose Oxidase-based Food Preservation Solution

Glucose oxidase can catalyze glucose by consuming oxygen in the air, so this enzyme can be used to remove glucose or oxygen in the food system, thus extending the shelf life of food.

Transglutaminase-based Food Preservation Solution

Transglutaminase-based Food Preservation Solution

Transglutaminase can catalyze intermolecular and intramolecular covalent cross-linking of proteins, which can be used to change the functional properties of proteins, thus extending the shelf life of food.

Laccase-based Food Preservation Solution

Laccase-based Food Preservation Solution

Laccase can oxidize phenols in the food system. At present, it is mainly used in the processing of beverage juice in food preservation to prevent oxidation discoloration and precipitation.

Lactoperoxidase-based Food Preservation Solution

Lactoperoxidase-based Food Preservation Solution

Due to its antibacterial properties, lactoperoxidase is used in food preservation to develop food films/coatings that can maintain the sensory and nutritional quality of food and extend the shelf life.

Lactoperoxidase-based Food Preservation Solution

Chitinase-based Food Preservation Solution

Chitinases can be used for food preservation because they can catalyze the decomposition of fungal cell wall components, thereby killing harmful fungi, inhibiting spore germination, and reducing food spoilage.

AMPs-based Food Preservation Solution

AMPs-based Food Preservation Solution

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have no residue problems and are not immunogenic and resistant. These advantages in bacterial inhibition indicate that AMPs have great potential for application in the field of food safety.

Natamycin-based Food Preservation Solution

Natamycin-based Food Preservation Solution

Natamycin, as a new and efficient natural biological preservative, meets the requirements of future food preservative development. Natamycin can be used in combination with other preservatives to form a compound preservative for food preservation, which can work better.

Nisin-based Food Preservation Solution

Nisin-based Food Preservation Solution

Nisin is a peptide substance, a natural food preservative, with good solubility and stability. It is safe and harmless to the human body, will be broken down by enzymes into many kinds of amino acids without residue, will not change the normal flora in the intestinal tract, will not cause the problem of drug resistance, and will not be cross-resistant with other antibiotics.

Aprofood is committed to providing customers around the world with extensive support for food preservation related research. We focus on the development of food preservation solutions based on enzymes. Please contact us to learn more about our enzyme-based food preservative solutions!


  1. Vivek, K., Minaxi, S., Zeba, U., Ashok, P., Brahma, N., Meisam, T., & Vijai, K. (2022). Tailored enzymes as next-generation food-packaging tools, Trends in Biotechnology, 40(8): 1004-1017.
  2. da Silva R. R. (2019). Enzyme technology in food preservation: A promising and sustainable strategy for biocontrol of post-harvest fungal pathogens. Food chemistry, 277, 531–532.

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